On the host machine, it is required to install the driver to connect to the database from the Python code.
On Ubuntu or Debian-based Linux systems:
apt-get install python-mysql.connector
On Redhat or CentOS Linux systems:
yum install python-mysql.connector
Connect to the database server using the command line client, then the database to connect to:
CREATE DATABASE flask DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT collate utf8_bin; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON flask.* to flaskuser@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'flaskuser'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON flask.* to flaskuser@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'flaskuser'; SET PASSWORD FOR 'flaskuser'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('<PASSWORD>!');
Finally, from the Python script, import the connector, connect to the database, and start querying the records:
#!/usr/bin/env python import mysql.connector as mariadb mariadb_connection = mariadb.connect(user='flaskuser', password='<PASSWORD>', database='flask') cursor = mariadb_connection.cursor()